Green Worldwide Shipping® Plants 118,000+ Trees Since 2019

2020-07-20T15:31:29+00:00July 20th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Green Worldwide Shipping®, a leader in international freight forwarding and global trade services, continues their Green Tree Initiative with a charitable contribution of over 118,000+ since 2019 to Trees for the Future.


Trees are a habitat for biodiversity and create much of the planet’s oxygen. They help combat climate change and play a large role in agroforestry and in helping farming families improve their land quality and productivity.

Trees help to offset carbon and create oxygen through photosynthesis. A single forest garden tree can isolate approximately 34.6 pounds of carbon (260 pounds of oxygen) per year.

118,000 trees x 34.6lbs of carbon = 1,851 metric tons of carbon sequestered.

118,000 trees x 260lbs of oxygen = 13,916 metric tons of oxygen added to the atmosphere.

“Green Worldwide Shipping was founded on the principle of sustainability and we are proud of our Green Trees program so that we can continue to create lasting impacts in global communities. We are excited about our carbon offset programs and the positive impact they can have to our customers supply chains.”

Thomas Jorgensen, President & CEO

what is your carbon emission vision?



Because Green is deeply committed to long-term sustainability and understands the impact international supply chains have on the environment, they offer carbon offsetting as an option to their clients. It is an easy-to-implement program that is perfect for shippers of all sizes. From food producers to home goods to machinery components – any industry can now offset their product’s carbon emission and take advantage of this charitable opportunity.

Carbon offset projects contribute directly in the effort to increase the amount of oxygen added to offset CO2 emission. These offset programs can range from forest conservation, reforestation or the development of renewable energy. In addition, carbon offset projects often promote sustainable development in the region they are done – for example, by improving access to clean drinking water, expanding local infrastructure, creating jobs or preserving biodiversity. If you’d like to learn more about adding carbon offsetting to your supply chain, visit our sustainability page to learn more.


Make your 2020 shipping contribution count – help us plant even more trees through the end of the year by choosing Green Worldwide Shipping as you international freight partner.

Contact us to get started today!


Trees for the Future is an international development 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that meets a triple bottom line by planting trees for poverty alleviation, hunger eradication, and healing the environment. Through their Forest Garden Approach, Trees for the Future trains farmers to plant and manage Forest Gardens that sustainably feed families, raise incomes by 400 percent, and end deforestation. Since 1989, TREES has planted over 150 million trees. For more information, visit

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