Three U.S. Rail Labor Unions Reach Tentative Agreements


Three of the twelve rail worker labor unions currently negotiating with various Class 1 and Shortline Railroads reached tentative agreements that, if ratified by members, will increase worker pay, improve benefits, and receive more paid time off. Leaders at these three unions are encouraging their members to vote in favor of the agreement:

  • Transportation Communications Union (TCU)/IAM (International Association of Machinists)
  • Brotherhood of Railway Carmen
  • International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

Labor unions representing roughly 144,000 U.S. rail workers and representatives for Class 1 and Shortline Railroads have been deadlocked for the past 2-years. Contract renewal bargaining reached a boiling point earlier this Summer and threats of nationwide freight rail labor strikes led President Joe Biden to sign an executive order in July that established a Presidential Emergency Board forcing the parties to negotiate and staving off a rail labor strike during a prescribed “cooling off” period that ends on September 16.


The U.S. supply chain continues to struggle with labor and chassis shortages. Polls suggest that union members favor striking. The looming threat of a nationwide rail worker strike will tax an already stressed network. Workers could strike as early as September 16 if talks continue to stall.

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